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Lobot will become famous soon enough

Lobot Lobot is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Amberlycolonel
    03-26-2012 07:25 PM
    My mistake. I thought you were a moderator.
  2. Juliepitzer
    01-29-2011 05:48 PM
    I dont know you but I noticed you had a brief conversation through email with my wife. My question is this. You have had dealing with this Anbuc88 in the past it shows. Any suggestions on how to deal with him? He is beginning to get under my skin.
  3. MDW79
    01-27-2011 08:03 PM
    Hey, about what time did Huggs come on Lance's show? I'm assuming hour 1, but if you can get me close to the minute mark, I'd appreciate it.
  4. Juliepitzer
    01-27-2011 07:38 PM
    I appreciate your message. While I have never been a poster on your site, I do visit it regularly. My observation is based on the constant disappearing of negative posters who constantly criticize Cronin or Thomas, yet the blind eye posters such as Anbuc seems to receive from the same administrator when he unleashes personal attacks and insults towards poster.
  5. swg
    02-04-2010 07:27 PM
    Hey, Glad to see you over here. Bearcatnews was hard to get into yesterday. The traffic must have been intense over there.

About Me

  • About Lobot
    Coppell, TX
    Golf, Computers, HRC glasses
    IT Analyst and SAHD
  • Signature
    Consider joining UCATS at the $50 level if you are not already a member. @LobotC2DFW


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 11-06-2015 02:47 PM
  • Join Date: 02-04-2010
  • Referrals: 1

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