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JasonS JasonS is offline

Football Moderator

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. swg
    01-05-2018 07:05 PM
    Hey I want to be a mod
    Talk to admin and make if happen
    Thanks bubba
  2. rallie25
    05-11-2014 10:20 PM
    Got message from a player parent and it is family issue why JL is leaving.
  3. JasonS
    04-08-2013 09:58 AM
    No Julie. Family members are not barred and if I know they are related, nothing will happen or a ban would be lifted. I used my best judgement and if you notice, you were not banned.
  4. Juliepitzer
    04-07-2013 08:08 PM
    Jason, I understand your policy but I do want to ask a question, if I may. My husband and I share a computer and, at times, we both visit this site. I am aware how our IP address will show up as the same but my question is this. Are family members discouraged from visiting and posting on this site should they be using the same computer? I appreciate this site and know my husband can be a little intolerant but he does enjoy reading your posters. As for deleting an id, I will delete this ID if it is against policy, but I cannot find the option to do so. Thank you. -Julie
  5. JasonS
    05-15-2010 06:11 PM
    yeah no kidding! I kind of feel like Lance McAllister in that regard. LOL
  6. swg
    05-15-2010 06:04 PM
    Leave town again so we can get another commit. LOL
  7. JasonS
    03-30-2010 11:28 PM
  8. BearcatAlum1
    03-30-2010 10:58 PM
    Good to have you aboard.
  9. swg
    03-30-2010 09:52 PM
    thanx for joining us here

About Me

  • About JasonS
    Chicago, IL


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  • Last Activity: 12-22-2023 09:01 AM
  • Join Date: 03-30-2010
  • Referrals: 0


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