Why this site is different


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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
While I have enjoyed going to other UC sites, one thing that I have seen is a number of complaints about 'heavy-handed' moderation. While each site has its own reasoning/concerns, at times I would tend to agree. It stifles the interaction on the message board, and defeats its own purpose.

Certainly belaboring the past isn't exactly constructive. However, discussing recent history as it relates to the current program is relevant. While we reserve the right to move/close/delete appropriately...I think you'll find much more freedom in discussing all things UC, as well as off topic matters of interest.

Basically, I want to enjoy the site that I frequent, and this is why I'm involved with Bearcat Talk. Have fun! :)
Please be patient with some of the profiles, as it will take time to get up to speed. I want to have a lot of info on the recruit side of things. As Cincinnati continues to attract better talent, the recruiting at UC is going to become a lot more interesting to follow and discuss.
Check out the threads already. So far, I think we're on track with what I said in the first post.
Ignore my previous.......

Go to the user's profile. There should be a tab on the right, next to contact info marked "infractions" if you have the option enabled.........:cool:
Yes, this is definitely a place where people can feel comfortable in their own skin. If you want to talk about the glory days of Cincy hoops, go for it. If you want to talk about Kelly's current run, go for it. If you want to speculate on the future, that's fair game, too.

Too many of the other Cincy sites try to mold you into little Hitlers and think you should only talk about what they want you to talk about. That's not a discussion forum at all. So if you're a guest reading this, please register and get in on the fun!
Thanx Jeffto and Babcat. I think we're off to a solid start. We just need to spread the word and get some traction. :)
While I have enjoyed going to other UC sites, one thing that I have seen is a number of complaints about 'heavy-handed' moderation. While each site has its own reasoning/concerns, at times I would tend to agree. It stifles the interaction on the message board, and defeats its own purpose.

Certainly belaboring the past isn't exactly constructive. However, discussing recent history as it relates to the current program is relevant. While we reserve the right to move/close/delete appropriately...I think you'll find much more freedom in discussing all things UC, as well as off topic matters of interest.

Basically, I want to enjoy the site that I frequent, and this is why I'm involved with Bearcat Talk. Have fun!

(initial post reborn)

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